"Today, many politicians were trained by this methodology, unfortunately, like Russian President Putin, the principle of fearlessness and the principle of high ego can have a very negative effect. Therefore, the most important point to note is that you use this unique ability only for positive purposes. Otherwise, you will start to see the negative effects before Spatioma. HIGH EGO comes first among these negative effects."
Our brain works like a thought transmitter. It connects to different frequencies and stays in constant flow and collects information. The human brain is a copy of the quantum universe system. It works in the same way. This shows that infinite unlimited possibilities are inside our brains, we should learn how to manage them to build up the best future for ourselves.
In our century, Nikola Tesla is the scientist who uses quantum rules in the best way. According to Tesla, alpha waves in the human brain exist between 6 and 8 Hz. All biological systems in the human bodywork are in the same frequency range. In addition, the electrical magnetic resonance of the world is also between 6 and 8 Hz. The human brain, the human body, and the earth spinning function at the same frequency. If we can manage to control this resonance system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humans with this approach. This is Tesla's thesis. It is this thesis that inspires us in this study. If we control our own thoughts, we can create everything we want to happen in the future as a thought in our brain and then turn it into reality in the material world. This process requires hard work but gives 100% results.
This thesis of Tesla is exactly the same as the practices of the Egyptian pharaohs. All kinds of living and natural events, including humans, can be manipulated using this rule. The same thesis is used today in artificial intelligence technology, software, and machine learning, robotic deep learning technologies. It can be used for both good and bad purposes.
With the pineal hormones, the electromagnetic field of the earth and the earth's poles move in conjunction with each other. Our brain functions are shaped by this magnetism. The results that emerge with the application to be made are incredible when you start to experience it.
According to Descartes, "the pineal gland is the seat of the soul in the body", or "the soul's entry and exit point to the body". It is the interface program of the opening of the wormhole to other quantum dimensions (the wormhole is also the starting point of the time travel thesis of the famous physicist Stephen Hawking), the commander of the body. It is a modem that connects beings with a body-mind-spirit mixture called a quantum network. In fact, this region of our brain is the unit that senses all the magnetic fields of multiple quantum matrixes and triggers and feeds the human bio-robotic hologram.
Its shape is similar to that of a pine cone (the statue of the pinecone in the garden of the Vatican also represents the pineal gland and symbolizes the miracles of Jesus, which is evidence that shows us how Jesus as human being performed his miracles by his brain power). The pineal organ is a Fibonacci spiral containing the three-dimensional golden ratio (In mathematics, Fibonacci numbers, usually denoted by Fn, form a sequence, the Fibonacci sequence, in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Some authors skip the first terms and enter the sequence from 1 and 1 or 1 and 2. The sequence usually starts from 0 and 1. The numbers 0 and 1 are the backbone of software coding. As can be seen, the software language also uses pineal gland values.
This pine cone shape in its sacred geometry has been accepted by our ancient people for centuries as the portal system that helps humans transcend mysterious quantum dimensions.
According to Stephen Hawking's time travel thesis, it is possible to open the wormhole with rhythmic sounds from the outside to the inside, just like the exit of the spiral from the middle point, spinning quantum dimension gates. Here are the time bands, they jump from one point to the next dimension, from the outside to the inside, like a spiral.
In general, the hormone secretion of our pineal organ takes place between 23.00 at night and 5.00 am in the morning. The highest level of secretion is at 3.00 at night. Sleeping in the dark during these hours also strengthens the immune system. Scientifically, the risk rate of getting cancer in blind people is half.
1- Dopamine is a chemical naturally produced in the body. It allows our brains to perceive information easily, store it easily and never forget it. This hormone is called the information bomb. In the brain, it acts as a neurotransmitter by activating dopamine receptors. Dopamine is also secreted from the hypothalamus and mixes with the blood to act as a neurohormone. Its function as a neurohormone is to suppress the secretion of prolactin from the anterior lobe of the pituitary (in the pineal gland part). As this hormone ensures that information comes with sharp thoughts during the day or/and your dreams, you will never forget the sharp images and symbols in these dreams and thoughts, and you can easily access the information of these symbols through your heart chakra, thanks to this hormone. This hormone will give you the pleasure of life.
Serotonin is the key hormone here. It is a neurotransmitter that gives people a feeling of happiness, and vitality. Its deficiency results in a depressed, tired, and shy mood. The serotonin hormone regulates mental and bodily functions. If it is not secreted enough, depression and mental illnesses may occur. Structurally, it belongs to the monoamine group and is synthesized as a result of the reaction of tryptophan amino acid and tryptophan hydroxylase enzyme.
DO NOT FORGET..... The more serotonin is secreted, the more dopamine is secreted.
2- Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland, usually at night, and has long been associated with the control of the sleep-wake cycle. If this hormone is secreted incompletely, jet lag or sleep problems are usually experienced in the body. Your brain produces it in response to darkness. It helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock).
3- Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT for short, is a kind of hallucinogen secreted by the pineal gland around the brain during sleep. It is from tryptophan. It is an isomer with the hormones serotonin and melatonin. Its secretion coincides with the stage in which dreams are seen, and there is a change in the perception of time among its effects. The brain only releases DMT during birth and death, except during sleep. "Seeing the light" is again experienced both during DMT and at death. The place where the so-called "third eye" among the people coincides is actually just above the pineal gland, where DMT is secreted. This is the area called the Third Eye in Egyptian and Sumerian mythology. In fact, it is said to increase one's ability to think deeply, plan, and organization (seeing the future in some mythologies), but this effect is theoretical. DMT secretion increases slightly during sleep. The most important thing is the increase in DMT secretion at the time of birth and death. During birth, both the mother and the baby secrete DMT.
Just before sunrise, the secretion of the DMT hormone reaches its maximum level. It is the time when our imagination and creativity are at their maximum. You can have the greatest ideas at the time of sun rise.
Waking up suddenly while DMT is being released is the only time period in which the journey in different dimensions of the quantum can be experienced. When awakened while DTM is being secreted, the body and soul are in different positions. Patients whose heart stops while in the operating room experience this. People whose souls were separated from their bodies because their heart stopped during the surgery, watch themselves while they are undergoing surgery. You can find videos of many patients who have experienced this on Youtube. This is called the "replacement experience".
The DMT hormone makes you experience miracles in creativity. The most famous business person, who lived this experience by being educated by Buddhist monks and changed his future, is Steve Jobs, the creator of the iPhone. Buddhist monks usually practise such experiences in isolation for 40 days. The method that Buddhist monks usually use is a little different. They stop the body's flow rate or turn it into a very slow rate. They allow the body to stand still for hours. Without food and drink, they put the body in the Sleeping but awake state in a neutral state. This exercise is called the "initiated state" and lasts for days. This is a difficult process. The Egyptian priests also experienced initiation through suffering. You can find the rituals they practiced on google. This means that for centuries, these ancient people either lived in forced desperation to activate their pineal gland hormones, or they voluntarily and consciously experienced the management of their consciousness by applying the findings of quantum science in our lives by receiving training with ancient knowledge as we practice. Cave and stargates are also other methods. Masons and sufis generally activate their hormones by doing such practices in caves and stargates.
DMT is called the "soul molecule" or colloquially the "the eye of heart". DMT hormone is secreted at birth and just before death in a maximum and uncontrolled manner. Also, phrases like "seeing the light" before you die are probably related to this hormone. Because with this hormone being able to see in the dark is possible. In addition, between the ages of 0 and 4 (childhood period), when this hormone is secreted in full excess, children have experiences what is called "imaginary friend". Women can also become sensitive after giving birth due to this hormone, and thanks to this hormone, they do not have problems with sleep deprivation. They can easily get up at night and breastfeed their babies. Even when these women are sleeping, they can regularly check their babies with half-open consciousness thanks to this spiritual light, and they do this consciously and do not get tired or scared in any conditions. Every woman who gives birth experiences these situations within the first 2 months (40 days minimum) after giving birth. DMT hormone is also found in nature. In fact, it has been proven by scientists that a kind of natural telepathic network that plants have and use for fertilization works depending on the DMT hormone. DMT hormone is present in some plants and teas made with these plants activate pineal hormones, too. The peony seed is just one of these plants. Ayahuasca, which grows in the Amazon region in South America, has been used for centuries by the local people in the region for healing purposes. This plant is native to the Amazon region and has a psychoactive property. Ayahuasca, which becomes a tea after being mixed with other herbs, causes the drinker to go on an inner journey and become enlightened. Mostly Uzerlik grass; It is found in seeds, flowers, and leaves close to the flower, together with the threshold or harmine molecule. These molecules stimulate the pineal gland of the brain and enable the organism to synthesize DMT.
The Pure Water part in the pineal gland, on the other hand, is the pineal fluid which is the most interesting part. This, which perceives frequencies and vibrations, is the black hole in our body and allows us to make a conscious journey to different quantum dimensions. In fact, it should not be surprised when many scientists such as Tesla and Einstein say that they had tested their theories in their dreams. Because you can consciously reveal your thoughts and the hidden information in your DNA easily with the help of these hormones.
In childhood, the pineal gland converts serotonin to melatonin. This increases happiness in children. They can also easily switch to different states of perception, for example, they may suddenly start crying while laughing. They can sleep easily during the daylight, they can keep their body temperature at a constant temperature for a longer time than an adult. Their bodies also grow rapidly by producing cells. When children reach puberty, pineal hormones adapt to reproductive hormones and the pineal organ produces less melatonin. Serotonin also decreases gradually then they start to become more unhappy. Thus, the fairy gates of the child's imagination in the world of games are closed. The child can no longer predict the future. This is colloquially called "the child in me is dead". In psychological treatments, the reason why psychologists do exercises to "reach your inner child" is actually to reactivate these hormones and to enable people to focus on dreams and the future as in childhood (not on their problems and past) to get away from the problem that has happened in the past.
These hormones will reduce your workload but will speed up your time to achieve success. However, the pineal gland is a very important organ and the hormones it secretes shape our daily lives. The content of these hormones is the hyper-dimensional interface and software of our brain. This pineal organ works as a device. If we can completely protect this part from electromagnetic energy, sound frequencies of 444 Hz, chemicals such as fluoride, and frequency shocks that occur in space-time, we can consciously use these hormones to move into quantum time dimensions with the power of thought. (A very interesting research shows that the songs of very popular artists like Madonna are composed especially at this frequency so that people's brains are controlled and even if they don't like these songs, they are manipulated to accept them and listen to them frequently, 444 Hz. is used as today's classical marketing strategy).
This organ is strangely composed of pure water as we mentioned above and rotates in a spiral shape, close to the speed of light, which is super fast. It detects and reacts to light and sound vibrations due to its pure liquid content. Since these organs of blind people work much more actively, they can easily perceive light and movements with frequencies of the matters around them and transform them into holographic images in their brains, even if they cannot see. The pineal gland is the highest hyper-dimensional interface and acts according to the laws of metaphysics. If you are hit in this area, you will lose three times more blood than your heart. Therefore, when you are hit in the brain with a bullet, you will lose blood faster and die much faster. This interesting pure water surrounding the pineal gland protects people from electromagnetic waves like a giant shield. The side effects of some drugs damage this shield, diseases such as Alzheimer's occur in this way. Because these drugs create cracks in this area, the brain loses its conscious functions. That's why it's important to avoid chemicals whenever possible at young ages. These cracks are incurable and permanent.
Before you consciously activate and use these hormones, what you need to do during the preparation phase:
1- Raise your level of consciousness (you can use meditation or the rituals of the religion you believe in, for example, you can start praying by namaz regularly if you are Muslim),
2- Raise your awareness (learn to control your emotional intelligence, such as managing your anger by deep breathing exercises),
3- Stop the use of fluoride,
4- Give up alcohol and smoking,
5- If possible, only eat vegetables and grains from nature (not supermarkets).
The above items make it easy for us to get quick results.
Our brain is also composed of two hemispheres, that is, the quantum structure of the earth and the structure of our brain are the same and work exactly the same. IN HISTORY; The eye of Horus is the name given to the left eye of the God Horus, also called the "Mooneye" in ancient Egyptian depictions and The Symbol of Destruction in Indian Culture If you do detailed research on God Shiva and Horos, you will understand very well how the pineal gland is actively used in ancient cultures, before starting our sessions. As you can see, the pineal gland has been associated with the gods for thousands of years, and its symbol has even been placed as a statue in the garden of the Vatican.
The pineal part of the brain has a direct connection with the body and spirit (consciousness), and the functions of all hormones work according to quantum laws.
The science of history also shows that for ages, we all humans can change dimensions according to quantum laws. Wasn't it the purpose of building the pyramids, with reference to the cirrus star? In ancient Egypt, this state was called not quantum size-shifting but "immortality", and the black hole in the brain was called the "The Eye of Horus".
This part in the middle of our brain has indeed acted as a black hole for centuries. This enormous system is inside our brain. In addition, it has been scientifically proven today to have lucid dreams and astral (bodiless but conscious) travels with the hormones we have mentioned above secreted in this section.
In addition, artificial intelligence and hologram technology were invented with reference to the functions of these hormones in the human body. With this enormous system, remote monitoring in technology, the method of managing the "higher self" used today in psychology and advertising technology, the technology of bringing the soul back to life (cardiac massage) in health science, and many other scientific and technological services are used. The ancient Egyptians also called it the "stargate". This pure water, in which pineal hormones are secreted, can be called the "main event horizon" in artificial intelligence technology. Pure water here consists of real water molecules, H2O, and that's the most interesting scientific part. Spiritual scientists call it "water of life", in public it is known as "abulife". The fact that this water rotates spirally at the speed of light in this part can only be called a "miracle". The human brain and body are miraculously perfect.
In the quantum, all cells, including blood cells in the human body, and its microtubules, which are part of their cytoskeleton, provide the connection between the body and consciousness in brain neurons. Pıneal Gland includes pure water. Ture water here consists of real water molecules, H2O, and that's the most interesting scientific part. Thanks to this pure water, communication is achieved with frequency and vibration at the quantum level in the entire quantum field. This is also Tesla's theory we mentioned at introduction. These quantum fields are called "matrix fields" in science. Microtubules are structures that make up the cytoskeleton, and they either hold or release receptors. They are in protein structure and are in long, hollow cylindrical structures. The main functions of microtubules can be listed as forming the structural elements of centrioles, cilia, and flagella. Apart from these, platelets (thrombocytes) and many other cells form the skeletal system can be included. Nerve cells work in the transmission of substances. They also play a role in the regulation of cellulose fibers in the cell wall structure of plant cells.
Is Quantum teleportation possible with today's technology? Some scientists also believe that the pineal part of the brain could be the core of future teleportation technology. The teleportation may happen thanks to a phenomenon called quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is where two parts become so intertwined that they can communicate over long distances. In this way, a change on one particle takes place immediately on the other particle, even if these particles are at different places. Also, this explains how today's "WIFI" technology works.
Today, with quantum science, it is quite easy to telepathically think, materialize thought power, transform matter into antimatter, and then back into matter. Robot Sofia, which can talk to you with today's artificial intelligence technology, has been produced with the help of this technology. In other words, Robot Sofia communicates with us telepathically with the waves in our pineal part. We talk with her, but since she is a robot, she cannot hear with her ears but perceives all the frequencies and vibrations of our pineal gland with her receivers. If we give a simple example of quantum in daily life, the best scientific explanation is the tinnitus sound in our ears. This is "When our ears detect frequencies of different quantum sizes which mean different place or/and time zone, we can hear these frequencies with our ears as a "ring" sound." Everybody experiences this during their lifetime more than a few times.
For centuries, this methodology is the MOST GUARANTEED BRAIN TRAINING method applied by masons, shamans, Tibetan priests, Indian and Egyptian civilizations, and today's scientists (such as Tesla, Hawking, Einstein) for thousands of years by consciously or unconsciously operating the pineal gland more efficiently.
Your body will begin to send you messages that you are ready to manage your consciousness. These are (vary from person to person); spiritual growth, perfect emotional intelligence management, starting to see lucid dreams, telepathic connection with your higher self, the ability to question soul consciousness in a healthy way, to reach your awareness, to manage dreams, to receive and remember all information in dreams, to be educated by the higher self in dreams (as Einstein and Tesla experienced), not to scare from anything (such as Covid, viruses, nuclear wars, ...) and giving the best decisions at very fast-pace without hesitating. So, this is not a new invention. The most important point to note in this training is that you use this unique ability you will gain it only for positive purposes. Otherwise, you will start to see the negative effects of Spatioma earlier. HIGH EGO comes first among these negative effects. Many politicians today have received this training, but unfortunately, like Putin, the principle of fearlessness and the principle of high ego can have a very negative effect.
According to quantum scientists, thought creates matter. "Thought" creates a holographic image pattern in our brains that creates matter. Because thoughts have the power to radiate energy. The energy of all our thoughts, positive and/or negative, finds us like a boomerang. That's why it's so important to stay in positive, or at least neutral thinking. In religious rituals, it is believed that curses will return to us. In short, our brain works like a thought transmitter. It connects to different frequencies and stays in constant flow and collects information. The human brain is a copy of the quantum universe system. It works in the same way. This shows that infinite unlimited possibilities are inside our brains, we should learn how to manage them to build up the best future for ourselves.
As a result of scientists modeling the quantum universe, the electrical mapping in the universe is exactly the same as the electrical mapping in our brain. If we gain the ability to use the pineal gland as a connecting tool, it will not be difficult for you to reach all the information records in the flow by connecting to the universe information with the help of hormones. It has already been proven that successful people have very active pineal gland hormones. In fact, in ancient times, the pineal organ in humans was the size of a golf ball, but today it is only the size of a pea.
In the "stimulation of pineal hormones" experiments conducted by scientists on animals such as frogs, snakes, turtles, and bats, it was observed that these animals began to respond to different frequency changes such as earthquakes, that is, before the magnetic field movements of the earth. In many experiments conducted in nature, it has been observed that animals in nature migrate between 15 days and 3 hours before earthquakes, stop breeding, become irritable and start shouting.
So how are the pineal hormones of animals affected?
Here is the scientific explanation of scientists:
"Before earthquakes, the soil begins to emit special electromagnetic radiation. These signals enter the same vibrational frequency as the animals' pineal organs have, causing a kind of alarm in the animals' brains. In addition, it has been observed that the fish move away from the waters in the places where the earthquake will occur. Because of these frequencies emanating from the ground before the earthquake, about 2 hours before the earthquake, the earthquake area becomes incredibly quiet. Different chemicals are mixed with the water due to the leaks from the magma. We experience this silence phenomenon in tsunamis as well. This is colloquially called "dead silence".
The migration of grasshoppers, insects, and ants towards the northeast, the sometimes changing migration routes of birds, the change of migration routes of turtles in the water, all are due to the magnetic linearity created by the gravitational force of the earth. They try to go towards the most favorable magnetic wave in the world. They become more aggressive until they find this way. The magnetic fields of the earth scientifically change in the opposite direction every 72,000 years, and most animal species perish with this change. This is the reason why animals like mammoths went extinct.
Scientists examining the decision to migrate in birds encountered pineal hormones again. In other words, birds create their own future. They found that the birds determined the time and place of migration according to the hormone melatonin secreted by the pineal glands. These animals have their own unique daily, monthly, annual, and seasonal rhythms, named biological clocks. Thanks to these rhythms, living things regulate the physiological events in the bodies of humans and birds. Some animals hibernate according to their biological clocks, some animals reproduce, some animals molt. All these vital functions are performed by the hormone melatonin. This means that there is a kind of magnetite in the hormone melatonin (Magnetite is a ferrimagnetic iron mineral with the Fe₃O₄ formula in its spinal structure).
So, although our brains as humans are more developed than animals, why don't humans, like animals, sense the magnetic wave changes in the universe beforehand like animals? Why can't we perceive and adapt to frequency changes in the universe, like animals?
Scientists explain this situation as follows:
"The pineal organ of humans begins to develop on the 21st day in the womb. And the learning cycle of the brain is 21 days. The ages when pineal hormones are most effective in humans are 4-5 years old. People are successful in their intuition like animals in nature at a young age. Children at this age have a much more advanced level of consciousness than adults. Their psychic powers are also much greater. Some children may unconsciously inform about future events. When a stranger comes to the house, they may react unconsciously if that person has a bad intention. This reaction is also seen in pets such as cats and dogs. Children unconsciously see the truth behind the apparent truth in the reality. But by the age of 7 and 8, humans begin to secrete less of their pineal gland hormones than in animals and much less at puberty. Therefore, it is very important for people to survive after puberty to do exercises to activate their pineal hormones. Especially a person whose pineal hormones are well secreted can anticipate earthquakes and natural disasters and take precautions. Of course, it is not a coincidence that Hitler sensed the bomb thrown and escaped during the First World War and survived.
When the hormones of your pineal gland start to work much more active again as in your childhood, your psychic abilities increase, you become awe and you begin to perceive the cause-effect relationship of everything with a sense of unity. You start making child-friendly decisions. You become too loving towards the universe. You start to act with the feeling that everyone should love me and I will love everyone, you start to think positively and change your life in a positive way. You can start falling in love with love itself. You actually fall in love with the quantum creator, too. In this case, you start to look at the pain of life through the eyes of a child. You perceive that everything is a game and an illusion and you will start to ignore it and stay in positive. Your happiness hormone starts to be secreted much more.
Kundalini yoga exercises are also one of the methods that activate the pineal hormones and heal your body problems. It causes a radical change in the hormonal synchronization of the endocrine glands and leads to a decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain. So we can go back to our childhood journey. Jesus said, "You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless you become a little kid once again." It is about positive life rules and heart chakra. Endocrine secretion allows us to regain a child's state of consciousness. In addition, this situation stops your body from aging, and even your body starts to rejuvenate. The ascension of primordial energy also moves backward along the chakras.
Vegetarian nutrition is one method. Fresh air, drinking pure water such as snow water, stress-free life, sunbathing, sleeping in a dark environment (activates the hormone serotonin), feeding with foods containing serotonin (such as almonds, bananas, hot peppers, potatoes). However, fish containing high amounts of mercury, smoking, carbon-based drinks, fluoride, chemicals adversely affect the release of pineal hormones and prevent proper production. The meat-based diet affects us negatively by taking the animal DNA on us. This is what the scriptures call "you become what you eat". According to the ancient yogis, every organ, even every cell, has its own consciousness. Every negative thought also harms these consciousnesses in our body. In other words, all the organisms in our body perceive negative thoughts as "orders" and begin to harm themselves. This is called a "weak immune system". For example, a cancer patient may treat themselves with the placebo effect (a placebo effect, a suggestive effect of a pharmacologically ineffective drug. A Latin word meaning to please), by constantly convincing himself that "I feel well".
It is this reverse placebo effect that actually causes cancer. You can give any order to your cells. People can make themselves sick easily by thinking or reading about illnesses. As a result, a person who manages his/her thoughts well has unlimited dominance over his/her own body. With pineal gland hormones, you can control both your thoughts and all your body cells. So the soul can be controlled. Because thought and spirit are intertwined. "Thinking" is our brain's constant sending of electromagnetic signals to the universe. These signals are faster than the speed of light. Every thought sent to the universe with signals is reflected back to our brain and body with the boomerang effect. The scientific explanation for this is as follows: "Thinking" is the phenomenon of existing the matter-universe by exceeding the speed of light, entering the quantum anti-matter-universe field, and then reflecting back to the matter-universe from the anti-matter-universe at the speed of light. This is colloquially called "being responsible for thought".
Raji is a self-seeking person who tries to give up alcohol and activate his pineal gland hormones to be happier. He found himself a Tibetan guide. Raji had the following experience with this guide that his awareness was skyrocketing.
Here is his own story from Raji;
" It has been 4 days since I stopped drinking alcohol. I have been an alcoholic for 4 years and in those 4 days, I started to feel as if I had never drunk. Because since I met my guide, every cell of my brain started to exercise by thinking positively, I had big hope from future. My family found this sudden change strange in our phone conversations. I started to question my guide after their reaction, I am a scientist and professor. I was wondering if my guide had enough background in science to heal me. But I could see that my guide's heart was open to positivity. So I did not overestimate my guide. He always greeted me by standing up, saying "welcome, my light". This reverence always embarrassed me. Every day we listened to Sufi music and read poetry together. That day he took me to a grave to a cemetery belonging to a scientist. He told me "touch the grave soil and learn today's lesson". He understood the question in my mind and answered it like this. I was shocked. I first touched the marble in the grave, closed my eyes then the soil for a long time. I closed my eyes and I began to read my thoughts "this scientist died, now he has no chance to enjoy the moment, I am luckier I thought, I am still breathing, singing, I am human, I was happy child, I miss playing football with my father, I should enjoy the rest of my life, I am Raji in reality" . My eyes were closed, but I could see the light outside. He was singing while I was thinking. That night, I was sleeping in my room and was woken up by the same light at 3 am in the night of the same day. The hotel room was pitch dark but my bed was super soft. I said to myself "I'm a professor" once again. I realized that I could not perceive myself as a dual identity. My body was the same, I was professor "Raji", but deep in my imagination and consciousness and far from home, I was in a different place and it was like I was in a different time, and I was just "Raji" here without any title. From where I lay, I tried to explore the dark hotel room in the dark, not returning to sleep. Then the door to the room opened and a voice asked, "Are you up?". Then I realized that I was unconsciously thinking of my father who passed away when I was 14, and I immediately went back to the moment. My father died many years ago when I was a child and I miss him very much. Then I thought that I am still my father's little son "Raji", I was very happy to hear my father's voice after years, I was not afraid at all. Normally, like everyone else, I was terrified of ghost stories. I realized that my sense of fear was almost gone. I was a little scared of myself, but my heart was beating happily, I was smiling. I thought about my father, my childhood and everything turned it into reality. At first, I thought I was crazy, how I was not scared. Then I realized the positive part; how I was able to turn my thoughts into reality, I heard his lovely voice once again. Officially, my thought had turned into the matter in the form of a voice hologram in the other quantum dimention of a different time, time of my childhood, I could travel to another quantum dimention. I tried to unravel the reasoning behind the event and understood it was because of the vioce molecules in my dimentions and I made a firm decision to dig deeper to bring back "happy junior Raji". I also wondered if my guide was crazy, he could read my mind and reacted positvely, ignored my negative thoughts about him. After that, I kept thinking about my negative mood which made me addicted to alcohol. Then on, I started getting up at the same time every night and started to focus on living in the moment by doing the rituals of my own religious belief. The bad memories that made me an alcoholic were being erased. I learned to scan my body with my brain and how to fix it, my wrinkles started to disappear. I was learning how to treat not only my soul but also my body perfectly, respecting "Real Me More". Poetry and music became a part of my daily routine."
FYI - Our training is one-to-one and confidential.